by Trevor Gill | Aug 25, 2023 | ClickUp
Embracing Professional Services for Your Team’s Triumph In the realm of professional services, there’s a pivotal moment known as the “discovery meeting.” It’s more than just a formal introduction; it’s the cornerstone of your...
by Marine Sire | Aug 23, 2023 | Solutions for Project Managers
Le travail à distance permet aux entreprises d’accéder à un plus grand vivier de talents, de réduire les coûts de main-d’œuvre et d’augmenter la productivité, tandis que les employés bénéficient d’une plus grande autonomie et d’un...
by Marine Sire | Aug 23, 2023 | ClickUp, PPM Tips
Executive Summary: Remote work offers companies access to a larger talent pool, reduced labor costs, and increased productivity, while employees benefit from greater autonomy and work-life balance. This article will examine the benefits of asynchronous work, where...
by Mikayla Martin | Jun 1, 2023 | Planview AdaptiveWork + AgilePlace, Trusted Partner
As one of PlanView’s premier implementation partners, Kolme Group has implemented Planview Adaptive work for hundreds of customers over the years; many of them being Project Management Offices. After implementing about 80% of the same best-practice features for many...
by Jason Davis | Feb 28, 2023 | Solutions for Project Managers
Résumé "Si un homme ne sait pas dans quel port il navigue, aucun vent ne lui est favorable". -Sénèque En tant qu'êtres humains, nous évaluons constamment nos propres choix. Est-ce que je mange bien ? Est-ce que je fais assez d'exercice ? Est-ce que j'économise suffisamment d'argent pour ma retraite ? Cette liste est interminable et...