Matt Henderson

Bio de l'auteur

Versatile leader with experience in program and portfolio management, professional services, information technology, and business operations spanning startups to Fortune 500 companies. At Kolme Group, my partners and I believe that data is the best foundation for business decision-making. Hunches, and intuition just don't cut it in today's agile business model; executives, leaders, and teams need to make educated, data-decisions in order to successfully navigate the complex and ever-changing business landscape. Kolme Group helps you connect with that game-changing asset: The data which can help chart the best course forward.

Posts de l'auteur

Justifier l'investissement dans un système de gestion de portefeuille de projets

Justifier l'investissement dans un système de gestion de portefeuille de projets

In our recent post, Justifying A PPM Investment, we’ve had an excellent review of the strategic benefits and hard and soft cost saving that you need to consider for your justification and/or business case. But how do we ensure that you are talking about the right benefits to the right stakeholders? Keep reading to learn how to tailor your stakeholder justification messages when investing in a project portfolio management system.

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