World-class Project & Portfolio Management
Build a project value engine to accelerate your business
Bringing competence, confidence & experience to your projects
We are a project management consultancy that combines decades of experience with our expertise in software solutions to provide top-tier Project and Portfolio Management services for companies of all sizes.

1,000+ customers worldwide rely on Kolme Group

The Kolme Way
- Goal Driven
- Collaborative Process
- Best Practices
- Deliver Value
- Focused Integrations
Custom Services
We’ve been in your shoes—building and running PMOs, managing portfolios worth hundreds of millions, and delivering large-scale, complex projects with precision. Our Phoenix-based team is ready to bring this expertise to your organization, offering tailored support locally, nationally, and across the globe. Let us help you achieve your project and portfolio goals with confidence.
Custom Solutions
At Kolme Group, we specialize in creating tailored solutions to fit your unique project and portfolio management needs. We’ve partnered with leading platforms like monday.com, Planview AdaptiveWork, and ClickUp because they deliver the best results for keeping teams organized, efficient, and on track for success. With years of experience across a variety of systems, we’ve found these industry leading tools to be the most effective in driving productivity and achieving your goals.

Our Solutions
We will build the perfect solution with the right tools for your organization

Expert PM’s across the globe
Our team brings decades of hands-on experience helping startups, mid-sized businesses, and Fortune 500 companies transform their Project and Portfolio Management practices. From streamlining processes to delivering scalable solutions, we’re here to elevate your PPM capabilities to the next level.
Thank you for TRUSTING us with
your PPM SaaS needs