Kolme AdaptiveWork Services

AdaptiveWork Open Office Hours

Come join our open AdaptiveWork Office Hours! 

Hosted by one of our Kolme Group technical consultants, these sessions are an opportunity to ask your AdaptiveWork technical questions, or just listen in on how other organizations use AdaptiveWork to transform their business. We welcome all technical questions about AdaptiveWork – configuration, usage, best practices and general platform questions. As Planview’s #1 AdaptiveWork partner since 2017, we can definitely help you! 

This is a “drop-in” environment, so attendees are welcome to join for the entire hour or drop in to ask a specific question, then carry on with their afternoon.  

Joining Office Hours: 

Who: Any current or prospective AdaptiveWork user or administrator
What: Open forum Office Hours to ask AdaptiveWork questions or connect with other AdaptiveWork Administrators and Champions
When: Every Wednesday @ 3pm (EST)
Where: Zoom – https://kolmegroup.zoom.us/j/89724948404?pwd=eHVqbG5hVjRDRWtMenZ4K0hWdEJjQT09&from=addon 
Meeting ID: 897 2494 8404
Passcode: 814311


All AdaptiveWork services

Quickstart + Licensing (PMO)

Quickstart + Licensing for Professional Services Automation (PSA)

PMO Best Practices for PPM

AdaptiveWork Check-up

AdaptiveWork Admin Services

AdaptiveWork Technical Account Manager (TAM)

Adoption Pathway Change Management

Packaged Advisory Services


Planview AdaptiveWork resources

Here at Kolme Group, we offer many different levels of support for AdaptiveWork users and consultant partners! Take a moment and see the resources offered below to see how we can support your needs.

Book your Kolme Group expert consult

Our experts will answer your questions and speak more in-depth about your current company's needs and how we can help. A team member will be in touch with you shortly! Typically, within 24 business hours.